What if you found a new favorite restaurant, someplace a friend invited you to, and it was so delicious that it immediately earned a spot on your top ten list. What if later you discovered that the food there was not only delicious, but also good for you?

Of course, some of you will say, “Well, I wouldn’t have put it in my mouth in the first place if I didn’t know that ahead of time.” But your average comfort-food loving, “I’ll-take-seconds-please” food obsessed gastronome might just be a little surprised. Or maybe very surprised.

Well, that’s the kind of place Evexia is. We put taste buds first. But we also always consider healthiness and “dietary universality” when creating our menu. We want everybody — and we mean EVERY BODY — to be happy and completely satisfied after one of our meals. Period. Full Stop. It’s our flavor philosophy.